



4月24日晚上,Google Cloud 技术推广工程师 Mete Atamel 将为北京 GDG 社区做一次关于 Istio 与 Service Mesh 的主题分享。欢迎对 Google Cloud、容器、Kubernetes、微服务、Istio 等方面感兴趣的工程师参加。


关于 Istio

2017年5月24日,Google, IBM 和 Lyft 共同发布 Istio 的第一个公开版本(0.1)。目前的最新版本是 0.7 。Istio 是开源项目,官网(上的介绍是:


Istio is an open platform that provides a uniform way to connect, manage, and secure microservices. Istio supports managing traffic flows between microservices, enforcing access policies, and aggregating telemetry data, all without requiring changes to the microservice code. Istio gives you:


  • Automatic load balancing for HTTP, gRPC, WebSocket, and TCP traffic.

  • Fine-grained control of traffic behavior with rich routing rules, retries, failovers, and fault injection.

  • A pluggable policy layer and configuration API supporting access controls, rate limits and quotas.

  • Automatic metrics, logs, and traces for all traffic within a cluster, including cluster ingress and egress.

  • Secure service-to-service communication in a cluster with strong identity-based authentication and authorization.


Istio can be deployed on Kubernetes, Nomad with Consul. We plan to add support for additional platforms such as Cloud Foundry, and Apache Mesos in the near future.


这里是一些国内开发者的中文介绍(Istio 仍在快速发展,仅供参考):






Mete Atamel


Mete is a Developer Advocate at Google, focused on helping developers with Google Cloud. As a long-time Java and C# developer, he likes to compare the two ecosystems. Prior to Google, he worked at Microsoft, Skype, Adobe, EMC, and Nokia building apps and services on various web, mobile and cloud platforms. Originally from the island of Cyprus, he currently lives in Greenwich of London, not too far away from the prime meridian.


除了 Mete ,我们还会邀请一些国内对 Istio 熟悉的嘉宾参与本次活动。







地点:中关村E世界财富中心A座B2 联合创业办公社。











19:00 - 19:30 签到入场

19:30 - 19:40 开场介绍

19:40 - 20:30 主题分享

20:30 - 20:50 互动交流

20:50 - 21:00 合影结束





本次活动由北京 GDG 主办,Google 开发技术推广部提供支持,联合创业办公社提供场地支持。





时间:04-24 19:00 - 21:00
地点:中关村E世界财富中心A座B2 联合创业办公社

